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Discover the latest news from SkyVibration, from tandem wingsuit flights to our dynamic team and the incredible places we fly over. Explore the awe-inspiring landscapes we traverse with our exclusive photos and videos. To make sure you don't miss any of the action, connect to our social networks and join our growing community of flying enthusiasts. Stay tuned, the SkyVibration adventure is just beginning!

Our friends Ambroise Serrano and Stefan Ferret started SkySchool ! A wingsuit school where you can learn how to fly from zero to hero! 😁 Even if you are not a skydiver yet, they can take you from the very beginning, straight to where you need to be. When they explained their concept, we literally loved it and just want to see it happen! Good job boys ! 💪 long life to Skyschool!


First Tandem jump over Hainan Island, China 🪂🪷 Discover in pictures the very first Tandem wingsuit session open to the public on Hainan Island, China. Our passengers had the incredible opportunity to jump above the flower island, offering a breathtaking experience. A big thank you to our intrepid Team @ambroise_serrano and @vincent_descols_le_blond for sharing this adventure in pictures. They loved the atmosphere and the energy 😍 Thanks to Weland’s Drop Zone for making it all possible! 😊 #TandemWingsuit #HainanIsland #unforgettableexperience


YOUR SMILES AFTER YOUR FLIGHT🌟 A big thank you to each and every one of our passengers for your dazzling smiles on landing and for your good vibes ! Seeing your sparkling looks and happiness after a flight brightens our days and is the most beautiful of rewards. Together, we create unforgettable moments of happiness. Thank you for your trust and thank you for being you! 🙏 😊 Team SKYVIBRATION 💜 #smile #skyvibration #wingsuit #tandemwingsuit #skydiving_universe #skydiving #skydive #wingsuiteverydamnday #costumerexperience #happycostumer #thankyou #happymoment

359 Posts

Skyvibration 🚀🪂

Creator of peak experiences
🚀 E-WINGS Pilot & founders
🪂1st to offer WINGSUIT TANDEM on the 🌍
Stuntmen / consulting

Jump out of a plane at over 4000 m with a wingsuit ! Now that’s a breathtaking activity ! 🤩🪂You too can try it ! Join the SKYVIBRATION team! ! 📲💜The only company in the world to offer this type of experience! ✨#wingsuit #skyvibration #tandemwingsuit #book #skydive
Carving 360 !🤘🪂 @vincent_descols_le_blond and @luluruffy #wingsuit #skydiving #canopy #skyvibration #skydive #extreme #extremsport #wingsuiting #fly
The sensation of flying like a bird>>> 🦅✨With @ambroise_serrano @paulineubo #wingsuit #sensation #bird #wingsuittandem #sky #skyvibration #skydive #plane #adventure #jump
🚁Barrel Roll as you exit the helicopter in a Wingsuit TandemThat unique feeling when you jump into the void! 🤘🔥🦅 @vincent_descols_le_blond 📹 @cedricnoel_ws __________________#wingsuit #helicopter #tandem #wingsuitflying #tandemwingsuit #wingsuittandem #skyvibration #skydive #skydiving
🏜️Fun jump over desert in Dubai With @pacmantai and @vincent_descols_le_blond 📍 @skydivedubai #wingsuit #dubai #skydive #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuiting #skydiving #skyvibration #fun
She did it ! 🤩🤘An atypical story behind Nadia’s flight !Yes, it’s real! Our passenger jumped out of a wingsuit plane in Gap last week with our team. 💜🛩️A flight we really enjoyed for a very special and original reason... we’ll tell you why in future posts! So stay tuned and subscribe to hear the rest of her story...📲🦅 @vincent_descols_le_blond #skyvibration #wingsuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #tandem #tandemwingsuit #plane #skydiving #story #passengers
🚀Base jump @ambroise_serrano with @vincent_descols_le_blond ____#basejump #skyvibration #base #wingsuit #basejumpwingsuit #skydiving #basejumping
A wingsuit Barrel Roll in the sky! 🚀☁️The little surprise at the end of the tandem flight 🤭@vincent_descols_le_blond #TandemWingsuit #Adrenalin #Freedom #Adventure #unforgettable #barrelroll #skydive
This place 💫☁️@vincent_descols_le_blond @luluruffy @nico.goutin #freedom #wingsuitbasejump #wingsuit #skydiving #skydive #skydivers #creature #cloud #skyvibration
Take the plunge! 😍🛩️Live an extraordinary experience. That’s what we offer every day to our passengers who want to embark on man’s dream: to fly! SkyVibration is the adventure of a lifetime in the sky. We offer tandem wingsuit flights with no previous experience, air shows and much more. 🤘Our mission? To offer you a unique experience. 💜🦅 : @vincent_descols_le_blond #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuit #basejump #tandemwingsuit #skyvibration #skydive #skydiving
Are you ready ?😍🔥To try a Wingsuit without any previous experience 🪂Yes, it’s possible! You don’t have any experience but those images of wingsuit make you fantasize?🤩
Come and discover tandem wingsuiting with Skyvibration, the only company in the world to offer this activity, from a plane or helicopter, and live man’s oldest dream in complete safety! 🤘#wingsuit #tandemwingsuit #skyvibration #ExtremeSports #AdventureAwaits #Skydiving #basejumping #AerialAdventure#AdrenalineRush #uniqueexperience
Team training @ambroise_serrano 📹 @vincent_descols_le_blond #wingsuit #basejump  #extremesports
🪂After the adrenalin of wingsuit flight, feel the serenity of the canopy. Can you steer your parachute after opening? Yes, you can control the direction and speed of your descent using the parachute’s controls.😄By pulling on the control handles, the instructor can make turns, slow down or speed up the descent. 👉This ability to maneuver not only allows you to enjoy the scenery to the full, but also to head for a precise landing zone, ensuring a safe arrival at the end of the tandem.🦇: @vincent_descols_le_blond @raghavsachdeva23 #wingsuit #parachute #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #skydive #skydiving #wingsuittandem
SKYFALL 2024 !🚀☁️Beautiful videos taken during Skyfall 2024, France’s biggest wingsuit event held at @parachutisme71.Wingsuit camp led by @vincent_descols_le_blond @ambroise_serrano and @zunstephanezunino This year we’re also very happy to have welcomed @prettywood_phil and @flavmaz as additional coaches to host and coach this incredible event! 🤩Thank you all for your participation and energy. It was awesome and it’s partly thanks to you. 🤘💜📍 : @parachutisme_71 📽️ : @paulineubo thanks to our sponsors : @tonfly_official @vigil_aad @julbo_eyewear #wingsuit #skyvibration #unforgettableadventures #wingsuit #skydiving #skydive #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitskydiving
🌟From India to France to test the WINGSUIT TANDEM !!We had the immense pleasure of welcoming Rashgav, who came specially from India to realize his ultimate dream: a wingsuit flight. Having already experienced tandem skydiving, he was filled with anticipation and excitement for this new adventure, this time with wingsuit wings.For a few days in France, Rashgav @raghavsachdeva23 experienced a unique and memorable moment with us.Thank you for your trust and for sharing this extraordinary experience with us. 🇮🇳« That moment when you decide to make your dream come true. »When are you going to try it? 🪂☁️🦜 : @vincent_descols_le_blond @cedricnoel_ws @stephan.feret @ambroise_serrano @raghavsachdeva23 📍 : @parachutisme_71 thanks to our sponsors : @tonfly_official @vigil_aad @julbo_eyewear #tandemwingsuit #skyvibration #unforgettableadventures #dreamrealize #wingsuit #passionflight #franceindia #skydiving #skydive
First Tandem of the season ! ☁️Carried out in Chalon-sur-Soane with our crack team!Congratulations Rebecca to for taking flight with us. The skies opened up for an incredible and memorable adventure. 🌟 @her.rh May this new season be filled with adrenaline, smiles and unforgettable moments!#FirstJump #TandemWingsuit #NewSeason #Adventure #wingsuit #cloud #fly #flysuit #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #clouds #wingsuittandem
A wingsuit flight for his 50th birthday !🎉☁️Jean-Michel, our tandem passenger, chose a unique experience to celebrate his 50th birthday. Having tried paragliding a few years ago, he was looking for an even more memorable adventure for this special anniversary.With perfect weather and clear skies, Jean-Michel was able to realize one of his dreams: to fly. A successful birthday, unforgettable memories and a day engraved forever in his memory. 🤩Happy birthday, Jean-Michel! Thanks for sharing this with us🪂🌟🦅: @cedricnoel_ws @vincent_descols_le_blond #UnforgettableAdventure #Birthday50Years #TandemWingsuit #UniqueGift #wingsuit #cloud #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #clouds #cloudcode #wingsuittandem
Mission : To pass over three wingsuits before drop🤘🏼😆Trapeze to flyline to rodeo !Do you think we succeeded ?👉The answer at the end of the video 🫢🎥 memories of Senegal with friends ✨ Thank you @ojbpara @aerodromepoutpout @flavmaz@vincent_descols_le_blond@marinedescols@cedricnoel_ws @luluruffy#skydive #circus #wingsuit #indianocean #oceanfromabove #parachutisme #parachute #skydive #skydivinggirls #extremesports #trapeze #flyingtrapeze
Does this video make you dream? 🤩☁️What if you did what Benoit did ? Jump into the void with no previous experience, in complete safety, equipped with a wingsuit and a passionate team!Do you dream of flying? A good dose of adrenalin? No previous experience? Tandem wingsuiting is the activity for you 😍🚀Our team is dedicated to providing you with a safe and unforgettable wingsuit jumping experience! Book your flight on our website!💜📲🦅 : @vincent_descols_le_blond @ambroise_serrano #wingsuit #cloud #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #clouds #cloudcode #wingsuittandem
Bonne fête à toutes les Mamans ! 💖 Aujourd’hui, nous rendons hommage à toutes les mamans, ces femmes formidables qui nous suivent dans nos rêves les plus fous, même celui de voler !Dans cette vidéo, la maman de @marinedescols a vécu un moment inoubliable il y a 2 ans en réalisant un saut en tandem wingsuit au dessus de la Réunion. Elle est devenue ainsi notre première passagère de l’hémisphère sud à voler au-dessous de l’équateur ! 🌍✈️ Un vol en famille extraordinaire et plein d’émotions qu’elle n’est pas prête d’oublier !☺️Nos mamans, nos héroïnes. Merveilleuse fête à toutes !#fetedesmeres  #hemispheresud #wingsuit #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #wingsuittandem
👋 Exiting the plane during a tandem :Ever wondered how we film our videos and how we get out of the plane during a wingsuit tandem? 🎥Here’s the video answer! 😄One of the cameramen is first out of the aircraft to film the exit from an outside point of view, then the tandem with the instructor settles at the edge of the door, just after the other people equipped with multiple cameras come out just behind to follow the fall and the flight from above and during the flight.It’s a real moment shared by many in the sky with our team and you. Alone above the clouds.Memories that stay with us thanks to these videos, and which we’re delighted to share with you here. 📽️ : @marinedescols @ambroise_serrano 🦅 : @vincent_descols_le_blond Thanks to our sponsors @vigil_aad @uptvector @julbo_eyewear #wingsuit #cloud #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #clouds #cloudcode #wingsuittandem
How does a tandem wingsuit flight feel ?Adrenalin and excitement ⚡: A tandem wingsuit flight is all about excitement and adrenalin. From the moment you’re kitted out to the flight many feelings cross your mind, excitement, envy, joy.  Getting out of the aircraft and jumping into the void provides incomparable adrenaline sensations.Calm and Serenity ☁️: Once the parachute is deployed, the serenity of canopy flight allows you to contemplate the landscape in complete tranquillity.Personal Achievement 🏅: After landing, an immense sense of accomplishment and pride.Shared Joy 😊: Sharing this adventure with one of our experienced tandem wingsuit instructors creates a unique connection and shared experience, making the flight even more memorable.Every wingsuit jump is an unforgettable adventure, filled with thrills and magical moments. 🌟#TandemWingsuit #Adrenalin #Freedom #Adventure #unforgettable
🪂👀 How a parachute deploys after a wingsuit tandem?It’s a question that comes up a lot 😄👇After a thrilling wingsuit flight, the instructor pulls the parachute handle which deploys the extractor in seconds, it uses the force of the wind to pull the main parachute out of its POD (storage bag) and the main parachute inflates with air, slowing our descent smoothly.The tandem harness ensures even distribution of the deceleration force, guaranteeing a safe transition.Once the parachute is fully open, the instructor uses the controls to steer and stabilize the descent, ensuring a safe and enjoyable trajectory.Ready to experience this incredible sensation? Join us for an unforgettable tandem experience!💜#wingsuit #parachute #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #skydive #skydiving #wingsuittandem
When your @uber cancels your ride and you decide to choose a better transportation alternative... 😂😂Who would also choose the wingsuit for an uber ride here ?😝🤘🏼@vincent_descols_le_blond @sarah_ben._ #skydive #skyvibration #wingsuit #indianocean #oceanfromabove #parachutisme #parachute #skydive #skydivinggirls #extremesports #trapeze #flyingtrapeze
Aerial emotions 🤩During our tandems, each passenger embarks with a dose of excitement and apprehension, but once in the air, these emotions are transformed into pure bliss !!Nothing beats the sense of freedom and joy on our passengers’ faces as they soar over breathtaking landscapes.The proof in pictures on this video! 😍 Join us for an unforgettable experience and let yourself be carried away by the pleasure of flight! SKYVIBRATION 💜🪽🦅 : @ambroise_serrano @vincent_descols_le_blond •••#wingsuit #cloud #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #clouds #cloudcode #wingsuittandem
Looking for New Sensations? 🤩Come and try a unique experience ⚡️We offer you a wingsuit flying experience accessible in complete safety and with no previous experience.Come and discover tandem wingsuit flying with us, the only company in the world to offer this activity, from a plane or helicopter, and live man’s oldest dream in complete safety!🪂We look forward to seeing you all season long! 💜 Join us for a unique experience !☁️#wingsuit #cloud #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #clouds #cloudcode #wingsuittandem
POV : The sky is your playground ☁️☀️💜 @vincent_descols_le_blond @marinedescols •••#adventures #clouds #cloudscapes #wingsuittandem #tandemwingsuit #sky #skydive #skydiver #wingsuit
Double wingsuit jump in flock! 😍🔥Sylvain, who already has many solo wingsuit jumps to his credit after a long break, didn’t want to go solo again and wanted to do a tandem wingsuit to get the most out of his flight!As an experienced wingsuiter, he wanted to put his own wetsuit back on 😊.It’s a dream come true for him to be able to jump again, this time with several people, when he never thought he’d be back in the sky! 🤟🦜 : @vincent_descols_le_blond @paulineubo #wingsuit #cloud #fly #flysuit #wingsuiteverydamnday #wingsuitflying #cloudscapes #skyvibration #adventures #clouds #cloudcode #wingsuittandem
🏔️✨ Ever dreamed of soaring like a bird over the French Alps?Fly with us over the snowy peaks! 🚁💨From a helicopter, plunge into a world of pure adrenaline, admiring the splendor of the French Alps like never before.Thanks to our partner @savoie.helicopteres with whom we work! 🙌#wingsuit #skyvibration #wingsuit #winsuits #skydiver #skydiving #sky #helicopter
I am living in my dream...💭SKYVIBRATION is above all a great dream come true for us to live our passion and make you live your dreams. ☺️💜•••#adventures #clouds #cloudscapes #flightattendants #wingsuittandem #tandemwingsuit #Dreaming #dream #amidreaming #livingmydreams #livingmydream

Besoin d'aide pour choisir quelle expérience choisir ?

Découvrez notre gamme d’expériences uniques en wingsuit tandem, conçues pour vous offrir des souvenirs inoubliables dans les cieux. Choisissez parmi trois options passionnantes :

  1. Saut en Wingsuit Tandem depuis un Avion : Envolez-vous au-dessus des paysages pittoresques en sautant depuis un avion spécialement équipé pour l’expérience wingsuit. Profitez d’une vue panoramique incroyable alors que vous planez en tandem avec nos parachutistes professionnels.

  2. Saut en Wingsuit Tandem depuis un Hélicoptère : Vivez une expérience raffinée et premium en choisissant notre option hélicoptère. Profitez du luxe d’un hélicoptère privatisé et explorez des destinations prestigieuses lors de votre saut en wingsuit tandem.

  3. Expérience sur Mesure en Wingsuit Tandem : Pour une aventure entièrement personnalisée, optez pour notre expérience sur mesure. Choisissez vos lieux préférés, définissez l’événement de vos rêves et concevez votre saut en wingsuit tandem selon vos envies.

Quel que soit votre choix, nous vous promettons une expérience de vol inégalée et un souvenir gravé à jamais dans votre esprit. Réservez dès maintenant et laissez-nous vous guider vers des souvenirs inégalés dans les cieux.

N’hésitez pas à contact-us pour planifier les détails de votre vol sur mesure.

Marine from SkyVibration

Marine from SkyVibration

Usually responds in less than an hour

I will be back soon

Marine from SkyVibration
Here is Marine from Skyvibration.
What is your question ?
If you wait a bit, it’s probably because I am flying… I will answer as soon as I land!

You are talking to Marine, about Skyvibration, what is your question?
If I don't reply immediately, it's because I'm in the air! Please be patient, I'll get back to you as soon as I land!