Book or offer a tandem wingsuit flight

Book your wingsuit jump step by step, starting with your choice of aircraft!

If you want to OFFER someone this great experience, you have two options:

  • Reserve a specific date and location from our calendar by following the classic purchasing procedure. 
  • Or buy a Gift Card of the desired amount, and let the beneficiary choose the date and destination. 

Step 1: Jump out of a plane or helicopter?


The airplane is the most common aircraft used in skydiving.

Advantage: We share the costs of organization with other skydivers, in a very friendly atmosphere!

Click here to find out more about our tour dates and locations! 

From 990.00 EUR / person.


The helicopter offers a hovering start before taking to the skies: an exceptional sensation.

These grandiose flights are carried out from a privatized helicopter, and systematically filmed by 2 videomen.

Advantage: greater flexibility on dates, in a private setting.

From 2 900.00 EUR / person.

Ideal if you are unsure about the date or location of the jump, and you prefer to leave the choice to the lucky beneficiary! 

You can easily create prize pools, and give maximum freedom to the recipient of the gift voucher! For a custom amount, call us directly to obtain your code. 

Book and receive your gift voucher in just a few clicks!

From 990.00 EUR / gift voucher.

An air show? a private event? We make custom-made

Would you like to call on our services for your private events? (birthdays, bachelor parties, weddings...) 

Entrust your project to our experts, who will study it with creativity and professionalism.

Price calculated on quotation.

Your questions about tandem wingsuit jumping

The good news: You don't need any skydiving experience! Your instructor is a qualified professional who will supervise your jump and guide you from A to Z.

  • No age limit.
  • IMC en dessous de 31.
  • Weights from 40 to 85 kg.


Weights between 85 and 90 kg can be flown. For safety reasons, physical fitness is a determining factor, and we will consider this possibility on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us before booking your flight.

Finally, as with a traditional tandem skydive, you need to ensure your overall health.

To do so, download our medical questionnaire .

Our team will welcome you for your briefing, and your instructor will introduce you to the equipment and the jump procedure: this is the time to ask all your questions! Accompanying persons are welcome at the briefing.

  1. Your instructor will fit you with a wetsuit and harness, followed by a physical warm-up to prepare you for your flight.
  2. Boarding the aircraft.
  3. 10 to 25 minutes of ascent, depending on the chosen jump altitude: the essential instructions are repeated, and you enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
  4. At your chosen starting altitude (4000, 5000, or 6000 m), the door opens and you take a deep breath of fresh air.
  5. Fabulous acceleration followed by 1-2 minutes of flight at 200-250 km/h.
  6. 1600m high: the parachute opens. The calm settles in for a 7-8 minute panoramic flight to the ground: a privileged moment before the soft landing.
  7. You'll then have plenty of time to enjoy your return to Earth, while we prepare to watch the video and analyze the flight's GPS data.


Below 15°C on the ground: wear technical thermal clothing (2nde skin) under your jacket (hoodless if possible) and pants (sports or jeans). Possibly thin gloves, depending on how you manage the cool air.


Between 15° and 25°C on the ground: a pair of pants and a jacket (hoodless if possible)


Above 25°C on the ground : shorts and t-shirt, or just a little warmer, depending on your needs.


Note: loose-fitting clothing reduces the sensations once in flight, so prefer clothes that are closer to the body.

Important: the temperature drops by around 6°C every additional 1000m, so for flights at 5000m or 6000m altitude dress accordingly!

The duration of a wingsuit jump session with SkyVibration depends on several factors, including the type of jump (airplane or helicopter), the jump location, and the weather conditions. In general, you can expect a session to last around 2 hours between preparation, the flight, the jump, and the post-jump debriefing.

In more detail, a climb in an aircraft takes between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on altitude and the type of aircraft chosen.
The wingsuit flight itself takes an average of 1min20 at 4000m, and almost 2min when you jump from 6000m. Of course, this parameter varies according to your flying position and weight.

Once the parachute is open, you have about 8 to 10 minutes of more contemplative flight, and again, this depends on the weather conditions and.... your desire to perform acrobatics under canopy!

The Skyvibration team developed the Tandem Wingsuit activity for 3 years before it was validated by the relevant aeronautical authorities.
Numerous experts were called in to study every detail of each stage (material, technical, human factors, etc.).

Numerous wingsuit load-carrying tests were carried out before human flight.
Independent monitors were hooked up as passengers, simulating incidents, to objectively validate each procedure.
Safety protocols have been studied, tested, filmed and measured using GPS to demonstrate their reliability.

Although this is a new and unique activity worldwide, the parachute used is approved equipment. This type of equipment is used in several million tandem jumps around the world every year, and includes a reserve parachute. 
All our flights are carried out with an approved safety release that guarantees the opening of the reserve canopy, even without the instructor's intervention.

Finally, we're still a long way from relief: it's not BASE jumping!

Be careful to distinguish between wingsuiting and wetsuiting, since we use the same word.

A new wingsuit costs between 1,200 and 3,000 euros, depending on the type of wing used. 

The wingsuit is grafted onto a parachute, which costs around 10,000 euros, and 20,000 euros for a tandem. Additional equipment (helmet, altimeters, cameras, etc.) costs between 3 and 5,000 euros. 

If you'd like to start wingsuiting solo with no previous experience, you'll need about 3 years and 13,000 euros, not including the purchase of a parachute. 

Any other questions? Don't be afraid to ask!

Contact us!

You may have technical or logistical questions to help you make the most of your tandem wingsuit experience! 

Don't hesitate to contact us, we'll be delighted to answer your questions and help you make your reservation. 

Besoin d'aide pour choisir quelle expérience choisir ?

Découvrez notre gamme d’expériences uniques en wingsuit tandem, conçues pour vous offrir des souvenirs inoubliables dans les cieux. Choisissez parmi trois options passionnantes :

  1. Saut en Wingsuit Tandem depuis un Avion : Envolez-vous au-dessus des paysages pittoresques en sautant depuis un avion spécialement équipé pour l’expérience wingsuit. Profitez d’une vue panoramique incroyable alors que vous planez en tandem avec nos parachutistes professionnels.

  2. Saut en Wingsuit Tandem depuis un Hélicoptère : Vivez une expérience raffinée et premium en choisissant notre option hélicoptère. Profitez du luxe d’un hélicoptère privatisé et explorez des destinations prestigieuses lors de votre saut en wingsuit tandem.

  3. Expérience sur Mesure en Wingsuit Tandem : Pour une aventure entièrement personnalisée, optez pour notre expérience sur mesure. Choisissez vos lieux préférés, définissez l’événement de vos rêves et concevez votre saut en wingsuit tandem selon vos envies.

Quel que soit votre choix, nous vous promettons une expérience de vol inégalée et un souvenir gravé à jamais dans votre esprit. Réservez dès maintenant et laissez-nous vous guider vers des souvenirs inégalés dans les cieux.

N’hésitez pas à contact-us pour planifier les détails de votre vol sur mesure.

Marine from SkyVibration

Marine from SkyVibration

Usually responds in less than an hour

I will be back soon

Marine from SkyVibration
Here is Marine from Skyvibration.
What is your question ?
If you wait a bit, it’s probably because I am flying… I will answer as soon as I land!

You are talking to Marine, about Skyvibration, what is your question?
If I don't reply immediately, it's because I'm in the air! Please be patient, I'll get back to you as soon as I land!